This is My Blog!

Firestone Country Club

Wow!  What a catchy title, right?  Well, it’s true…and I gotta start somewhere!  I thought I’d set out by telling you, dear reader, a little about what you might find here in the future.

I plan to share some of my crafty projects, scrapbooking, cardmaking and other paper play, creative tips I may come up with or run across, and possibly links to other craftinistas, such as myself.  In addition, I’m hoping to share some of my great insights into life…or some of my pet peeves…or both.  This will be a “creative lifestyle” blog, a mix of craftiness, helpful hints, recipes, and fun shit, plus some of my snarky observations thrown in.  After all, this IS my blog.

Stay tuned, dear reader, and hopefully you will find something in the future that inspires or amuses you.



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