Keep Calm and Carry-Why I Decided to Get My Concealed Carry Permit

Growing up, I was never exposed to guns.  My dad didn’t hunt, he didn’t keep a gun for protection, nor do I remember my parents even discussing firearms.  As I got older, I became more aware that a few of my friends’ parents had guns in their homes, however, I never saw them.  In my twenties, I had a friend who carried a handgun, and, once he let me hold the unloaded weapon.  It wasn’t until I was almost 40 years old that I would first fire a gun, and another 2 years until I became a registered gun owner.  That was 7 years ago, and after illnesses, injuries, and multiple surgeries, I am now readying myself to take a concealed carry class and become a permit holder.  Some may wonder why I am choosing to pursue my CCW now.  My reasons are both personal and practical, and I will share some here.

Protection of myself and my loved ones.  I would like to say that I have lived my 46 years on this earth without being the victim of violence, but I can’t.  I also know that, in our society, violent crime is a growing threat to myself, my loved ones, and my home.  According to FBI Statistics, in Akron, OH,  in 2017 alone there were 622 violent crimes, of which 23 were murders, 107 were rapes, 193 were robbery and 299 were assault.   I refuse to be a victim again.

The police can’t be everywhere.  Let me start by saying that I respect the police.  I appreciate the work they do for our communities.  These men and women risk everything daily.  But, through no fault of their own, the police can’t be everywhere at once and when seconds count, they can be minutes away.  If I am about to be victim of a violent crime, I do not have time to wait for the police…chances are I won’t have the luxury of calling the police.

The ability to protect those around me.  Obviously, I’d want to protect those I care about and protect myself, but what about others?  If, God forbid, I were to find myself in the middle of situation where the use of my weapon meant protecting the lives of other citizens, I would not hesitate.  Being a responsible permit holder means I have undergone the mandated training to properly handle my firearm, so not only would I feel confident in my ability, but also that it was my duty, to help those around me.

Better knowledge of gun safety and self-defense.  CCW training in Ohio consists of 8 classroom instruction hours and 2 range competency hours.  During the training, participants are taught rules for safe handling of a firearm and live ammunition, state gun laws, self-defense and also receive live-fire instruction.  In order to complete the course, one must pass both a written competency exam and a physical firearm handling and aptitude demonstration.

It is my constitutional right.  This is a biggie and the short answer is I am exercising my inalienable right to carry a firearm.  Rights not exercised will atrophy.  I could go on to write an entire article on my constitutional beliefs, but I’ll keep it brief.  I believe in the Constitution of the United States and its Amendments.  Brave men revolted against tyranny in order to establish a free nation.  The Founding Fathers of our Republic created the Constitution as the supreme law of the United States.  The 2nd Amendment grants us the right to bear arms.  The 2nd Amendment protects our rights, protects the Constitution, protects the supreme law.  Remove our ability to protect our rights, and what remains?  I truly hate to think about the possibility.  The abolition of rights will not end with just one.


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  1. I’ve been a carry conceal owner for 7 years now. My fiancée and I were in the news just last week speaking about women joining the concealed carry group of people. I hate that I feel I have to carry to feel safe, but so glad that I am capable of taking care of my self. We are also members of an all female gun group and I encourage women all over to join a group. You learn so much from other gun owners.

    1. I have to look into joining a group. The range we visit advertised the Well Armed Women group. I just feel like need to shoot better first. 😁

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